Command Table - K

Summary view of commands and processes

Command and Processes Table - K

For more information on the terms 'Command', 'Process' and 'Macro Command', see Command Table Introduction.

Commands not supported by your product are listed here for contextual purposes only - detailed information about these commands is available from their respective product help files.

Note: if a command is included within your application, you can access more information using the associated link in the right-hand column.

Symbols used in this table:

- A green tick indicates that the module is part of the core system licensing for the specified product - no additional module is required


- A red cross indicates the module is not part of the listed system and any commands held within it cannot be run (a separate product will be required)

- A blue diamond indicates the module is an optional extra for the specified system

Commands - K

Command Name

Studio RM

Studio OP

Studio EM

Studio UG

Studio Survey

Studio NPVS

Studio Mapper


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Toggles whether strings used for combining are retained.

Command Help


Processes - K

Process Name

Studio RM

Studio OP

Studio EM

Studio UG

Studio Survey

Studio NPVS

Studio Mapper


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KNA (Kriging Neighbourhood Analysis) is used to optimize the parameters for grade estimation. Typically multiple estimations are performed on a small